Courtesy of cycling news
The mask - a staple of pro cyclists everywhere. Think Armstrong, Mayo and Ullrich - trading blows during various Tours all the while remaining impassive. Only an impending 'crack' would shift that blank look that says - 'I am completely in control here'.
So imagine my surprise when this turned up.......
Rage and pain – quite a new look from one who used to look like a meek and mild Vatican choirboy while he mullered the peloton on the climbs in the 2008 Giro when he was juiced up (allegedly).
Still, redemption is a staple of the Catholic Church and somehow I have to grudgingly give him credit for fighting that beast of a mountain the way he did on Sunday.
However, none fought it and the wall of pain more than Cadel – that man knows how to seriously suffer as well as suffer seriously. He looks like he aged 10 years on that climb alone and if I can take away even a fraction of that ability to suffer and apply it to my little corner of cycledom then I will consider it more than inspiring……

If you want to see Cadel really upset just try to take his furry toy off him ;-> He was pedalling like a frog on a matchbox going up the Zoncolan lots of grit but no style...
You stylistas are hard to please! If I was able to even get up that climb in one piece I would be happy, let alone ride it with panache!
I thought the furry toy was more the sore scabby shoulder - the toy was more an accessory to the whole vignette? Who knows what days of riding at that level does to your mind. I personally thought the burly Belgian minder was pretty lax allowing such dangerous individuals to get close to the Cadelmeister, let alone rob his toys. :-)
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