The numbers were a little lower this time round, given the date deep into the season and the recent snowfall and ice. Those who did make it were rewarded with a beautiful day and possibly the hardest course all year. Warming up early doors began the process of cracking through the crust on the snow and it was obvious that this was going to be a long slow slog through either snow, slush or the thick mud that lurked beneath. One for the runners amongst us.....
After 2 and 1/2 weeks off the bike I had decided the best way to ease back into things would be to race - and given the tough nature of the course, paid a predictable price. Drowning in snot, I plodded round, slower and slower before a spectacularly pedestrian finish up the last climb of the day. No matter, it was good just to be out riding, only 15 mins from home and in conditions that were definitely interesting, even novel, but thankfully not regular for the NW series. Job done, and I didn't get ill afterward either. There were certainly a good few others who had been ill as well, in particular following the epic, nay Biblical Stadt Moers race - not my excuse as I succumbed before that race even took place!

Pics all courtesy of Dave Haygarth - thanks!
There is a race report on and on British Cylcing with some great photos - thanks to Dave Haygarth and his team/entire family for putting on the race in challenging conditions. And no I wasn't 28th as the draft results flatteringly indicated......
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