Monday 31 March 2014

Stone Riders

 Dave Haygarth writes:

Like all people who do not realise that we are all cyclists at heart, David Bramwell went and inadvertently wrote a song about cycling. He just needed this video to let him know that. PLEASE SHARE THIS, because...
As you may know, the new Oddfellow's LP is finally coming out in May via a Kickstarter-style French record label, Microcultures.
There are a lot of goodies on offer, from unreleased material to album artwork and even the chance to have Oddfellow's record a cover of your favourite song (provided you don't ask for Side One of Tubular Bells).
All support is gratefully received and you'll get a lovely CD featuring the plaintive sounds of a band at the peak of their powers!
A link is below has all the information you need to know.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Ronde van Oost Lancashire update

Andy Waterman's shots for the Cycling Plus feature on the Ronde, 2011

I won't be running the Ronde van Oost Lancashire this year. Or any other year.

After last year's cancellation due to adverse weather, I sat down and thought long and hard about the wisdom of running an unsanctioned, unlicensed and uninsured event that was beginning to attract well over 100 riders. What started through my own personal obsession with cobbles and was shared with a few mates, had grown into something altogether different, and though I and others loved the informal vibe that RvOL had developed, at the end of the day we live in a litigious society....

I considered running RvOL as an event, for paid up punters and with proper insurance but felt on balance that that was not what I had in mind personally when I set it up, nor to be frank did I have the inclination to spend the time doing it. Besides, there are some great events out there, similar in style and certainly showcasing some of the same great countryside.

So, thanks to everyone who turned up over 3 years - riding with you was a privilege. And huge thanks to David and Laura from SportSunday who provided for the 2nd and 3rd runnings, a free cake stop the like of which we are unlikely to see repeated.

RvOL is dead, Long live RvOL....... Richard from The Green Jersey shop in Clitheroe has taken on the name of the ride, and with an altered, solely Lancashire based route is putting on a cobble-themed event to coincide with the Tour of Flanders pro race on Sunday 6th April. Details here

I may see you there. Or I may just sneak off and ride my old route. Just for old times sakes....

UPDATE: No sooner had I posted this piece, than I learned that the Green Jersey Ronde has been cancelled. Sorry....

So, instead I urge you to find some time in your diaries and go for an adventure round the route on your own sometime.. Full route details on the right hand side of this page.